Sleeping Beauty will charm W&L's Lenfest Center
A look behind the scenes of the Rockbridge Ballet production

Three of the six Sleeping Beauty soloists will dance as the Fairy of the Woodland Glade, the Fairy of the Golden Vine, and the Lilac Fairy (from left to right). Photo provided by the Rockbridge Ballet

View a timeline of the company's preparation Sleeping Beauty

More than 30 dancers will perform Tchaikovsky's Sleeping Beauty Feb. 26 and 27 at the Lenfest Center for the Arts. The dancers are members of the Rockbridge Ballet and have spent the past two months working with their directors to put the production together.

Jessica Martin, artistic director for the Rockbridge Ballet, introduced the solo choreography to her dancers early last December. All of the Rockbridge Ballet dancers, in the apprentice, junior, and senior companies were given a chance to audition for any number of the solo roles. Six dancers were selected, including two Rockbridge County High School students and one local community college student.

Once the roles were announced, the remainder of the show was taught to the other dancers, and since January, every Monday has been reserved solely for Sleeping Beauty practice.

‘Purple and Gold’

The costumes for the production were ordered by Martin and arrived in January from three primary sources: Art Stone, Curtain Call, and eBay. Art Stone and Curtain Call, of New York and Pennsylvania respectively, provided costumes for the company dancers. The costume from eBay is for the adult dancer who will play the role as the queen.

Junior Company dancer, Carolyn Balkey, of Buena Vista, admires the choreography of the performance, but really loves the purple and gold costumes that glisten on all of the dancers.

Martin also organized the lighting for the production and submitted it to a lighting designer prior to the company’s week of rehearsals.

Spacing, Run-throughs, and More Run-throughs

Once the choreography, costumes, and lighting are set, the ensemble will join the two adult dancers, who will play the parts of the king and queen, for a week-long series of rehearsals. Leading up performances, the dancers will assemble together and practice with the lighting cues.

Their practices on two days that follow will be at the Lenfest Center to review spacing on stage. Finally, the entire ensemble will conduct a dress rehearsal on Friday, the night before their production. According to Martin, all dancers will be required to wear complete makeup and hair styles, as well as their costumes, to the dress rehearsal.

One Last Show

The company dancers, who range in age from 13 to 19 years old, are looking forward to showcasing their work. Caitlin Hepner, 17, has been with the company since she was in the fifth grade. However, her last performance with the Rockbridge Ballet will be Sleeping Beauty. Hepner is excited about the show and like Balkey, more specifically, the costumes.

“The costumes are very nice, everyone is going to look great,” said Hepner.

Although this is Hepner’s last show here in Lexington, she plans to continue dance at the college level next year.

“I’d be lost if I stopped [dancing],” said Hepner.

Sleeping Beauty will be performed Saturday, Feb. 26, at 3 p.m. and 7:30 p.m,. on and Sunday, Feb. 27., at
3 p.m. All performances will be at Washington and Lee University’s Lenfest Center, 204 W. Washington Street.

Tickets are on sale at Lexington vendors Sunday’s Child, 14 West Washington Street, and Books and Co., 29 West Nelson Street, as well as online.

Produced by Washington and Lee digital journalism students.